大腿放鬆有力才能承接由小腿告訴馬驅前,由後軀傳達到前軀的力量,並做出正確動作.我能理解這是很難體會並了解如何將身體每個肌肉正確運用,因為我也曾經有過瓶頸.除了練習再練習之外,我還要加上一項就是真得要大膽放鬆放空神經去感覺馬.只要一上馬,馬就是你/妳,你/妳就是馬. 我很喜歡德國資深教練Klaus Balkenhol,現為美國國家馬術教練,他說過: Always listen to the horse. He must understand what the rider wants. This can only be achieved if the reder listens to him, starting to talk "Horse" and iterally becoming a horse himself-feeling how the horse reacts to certain impulses or influences.It is not important that a rider becomes like a "horse whisperer" but rather that the rider learns to understand what the horse is whispering to him. 共勉之.
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