以下是引用pessoa在2009/4/25 22:00:00的发言:JOSE兄骑术大进,佩服   加油!!! 毁马的日子要是没有PESSOA兄的指点鼓励,JOSE要多走很多弯路. RANGER 体型比黑妞小,这个上坡练习比黑妹更容易保持正直和收缩.
Exercise 100 Straight Hills Benefits Use this as a warm-up or cool-down once per week. It is invaluable for stifle development. how do I ride this? 1. Locate a steady grade that you can ride on. A sloped driveway will do fine. 2. Go straight up the hill in a slow walk. Walking slowly up hills builds muscle more effectively than faster gaits. 3. Come back down. 4. Repeat twice. keep in mind The important thing going up and coming down is to keep your horse absolutely straigh! Many horse will try to swing their hips to one side and "crab walk,"or drag their hind toes and shuffle.keep your horse marching straight ahead with purpose, and use your aids to immediately fix any crookedness.
Exercise 100 Straight Hills
Exercise 100 Straight Hills
Exercise 100 Straight Hills
Exercise 100 Straight Hills
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/5/8 0:59:00编辑过]
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