
khyuan 发表于 2006-6-16 02:15:00 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 2 6081


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Article 401: Object and General Principles


1. The object of Dressage is the development of the horse into a happy athlete through harmonious education. As a result it makes the horse clam, supple, loose and flexible, but also confident, attentive and keen, thus achieving perfect understanding with his rider. These qualities are revealed by:

 1. 馬場馬術的目的,是藉由合諧的教育以發展馬匹成為快樂的運動員。這是靠使馬匹沉靜、柔軟、放鬆而且靈活,但仍然自信、注意和機敏,從而達到對騎手完全了解的境界。這些素質是由以下幾點來表現:

2. The freedom and regularity of the paces;

 2. 步伐的自由和規律;

 2.1. The harmony, lightness and ease of the movements;

  2.1. 協調, 輕快和自在的運動;

 2.2. The lightness of the forehand and the engagement of the hind quarters, originating from a lively impulsion;

  2.2. 由於活躍的前進氣勢,使前軀輕鬆,後軀深踏;

 2.3. The acceptance of the bridle, with submissiveness throughout and without any tenseness or resistance.

  2.3. 受銜良好,始終順從,絲毫不緊張,也不抗拒。

3. The horse thus gives the impression of doing, of his own accord, what is required of him. Confident and attentive, submits generously to the control of the rider, remaining absolutely straight in any movement on a straight line and bending accordingly when moving on curved lines.

 3. 因此給人一種印象,好象是馬匹自覺地做出要求的動作。它完全順從騎手的駕馭,自信而且專注,在直線上做任何動作時,保持絕對正直,在曲線運動時馬體隨之曲繞。

4. The walk is regular, free and unconstrained. The trot is free, supple, regular, and active. The canter is united, light and balanced. The hindquarters are never inactive or sluggish. They responds to the slightest indication of the rider and thereby gives life and spirit to all the rest of his body.

 4. 慢步時是規律的,自由且不拘束。快步時是自由、柔軟、規律、和活潑的。跑步時是一致的、輕快的、平衡的。後軀不會遲鈍緩慢,對於騎手的輕微的指示都能作出反應,從而使活力與精神傳達到全身。

5. By virtue of a lively impulsion and the suppleness of the joints, free from the paralysing effects of resistance, the horse obeys willingly and without hesitation and responds to the various aids calmly and with precision, displaying a natural and harmonious balance both physically and mentally.

 5. 馬匹樂意服從,毫不猶豫的對各種扶助平靜而準確地做出反應,藉由各關節柔韌和有力地推進,沒有因為抗拒而造成停頓。在精神上和體能上都表現出自然、鎮定、協調平衡。

6. In all the work, even at the halt, the horse must be 'on the bit'. A horse is said to be 'on the bit' when the neck is more or less raised and arched according to the stage of training and the extension or collection of the pace, accepting the bridle with a light and soft contact and submissiveness throughout. The head should remain in a steady position, as a rule slightly in front of the vertical, with a supple poll as the highest point of the neck, and no resistance should be offered to the rider.

 6. 馬匹在所有的運動中,甚至在立定時都必須呈現 '受銜' 的姿勢。'受銜' 是指馬的頸部一定程度的抬高並且弓彎起來,抬高的程度隨訓練階段和步幅的伸長和縮短而不同,始終輕微且柔和地接觸和順從地承受著口銜。馬頭位置穩定,通常在垂直線稍前方,項部柔軟而且是頸部最高點,對騎手毫不抗拒。

7. Cadence is shown in trot and canter, and is the result of the proper harmony that a horse shows when it moves with well- marked regularity, impulsion and balance. Cadence must be maintained in all the different trot or canter exercises and in all the variations of these paces.

 7. 在快步與跑步時展現好的節奏, 那是規律運動、前進氣勢與平衡等和諧展現的結果。在所有不同的快步或跑步與各種快步的變化時都必須保持節奏。

8. The regularity of the paces is fundamental to dressage.


8. 規律的步伐是馬場馬術的基礎。


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-19 13:41:54编辑过]
高山、 草原、 荒漠、 大海、河谷........揚鞭策馬


褐雨燕 该用户已被删除
褐雨燕 发表于 2006-8-16 17:13:00
把规则系列抬上去。 h4v6sY

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miseki 该用户已被删除
miseki 发表于 2008-7-28 11:52:00
楼主真是太厉害了,您的中英文对照说明,帮了我大忙,多谢! h4v6sY

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