
khyuan 发表于 2006-6-19 00:35:00 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 2 4260


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Article 404: The Trot

 第404條: 快步

1. The trot is a two beat pace of alternate diagonal legs (left fore and right hind leg and vice versa) separated by a moment of suspension.

 1. 快步是馬匹斜對角兩肢 (左前肢和右後肢,反之也一樣) 一起輪流動作的兩節拍步伐,每一步之間有騰空的瞬間。

2. The trot should show free, active and regular steps.

 2. 快步應當始終運步自如,活潑而且規律。

3. The quality of the trot is judged by the general impression, i.e. the regularity and elasticity of the steps, the cadence and impulsion in both collection and extension. This quality originating from a supple back and well-engaged hindquarters, and from the ability of maintaining the same rhythm and natural balance with all variations of the trot.

 3. 快步的品質是從一般印象來判斷,也就是步伐的規律性和彈性,縮短和深長時的節奏與前進氣勢。這些品質來自於柔軟的背部和有力的後軀的配合,以及在不同的快步中保持一樣的韻律與自然的平衡的能力。

4. The following trots are recognised: Working trot, Lengthening of Steps, Collected trot, Medium trot and Extended trot.

 4. 快步可分為調教快步、步幅增長快步、縮短快步、中度快步和伸長快步等。

 4.1. Working Trot. This is a pace between the collected and the medium trot, in which a horse's training is not yet developed enough and ready for collected movements. The horse showing proper balanced and, remaining 'on the bit', goes forward with even, elastic steps and good hock action. The expression 'good hock action' underlines the importance of an impulsion originating from the activity of the hind quarters.

  4.1. 調教快步 這是介於縮短快步和中度快步之間的步伐,是馬匹尚未訓練成熟,未準備好作收縮運動時的步伐。馬匹表現出正確的平衡,保持 '受銜' 姿態,運步均勻而有彈性,飛節動作良好的一種快步。 '飛節動作良好' 是指來自後軀活躍的前進氣勢是非常重要的。

 4.2. Collected Trot. The horse, remaining 'on the bit', moves forward with his neck raised and arched. The hocks, being well engaged and flexed, must maintain an energetic impulsion, enabling the shoulders to move with greater mobility, thus demonstrating complete self carriage. The horse's steps are shorter than in the other trots without losing elasticity and cadence.

  4.2. 縮短快步 馬匹保持 '受銜' 姿態,前進運動時頸部抬高且弓彎,飛節保持富有活力的前進氣勢,有力且收縮的踏進,從而使肩部更加靈活,表現初完全的自我承載。馬的步幅比其他幾種快步較短,但卻不失彈性與節奏。

 4.3. Medium Trot. This is a pace of moderate lengthening compared to the extended trot, but more 'round' than the latter. The horse goes forward with clearly lengthened steps and with impulsion from the hindquarters. The rider allows the horse to carry the head a little more in front of the vertical than at the collected and the working trot, and allows him, at the same time, to lower his head and neck slightly. The steps should be even, and the whole movement balanced and unconstrained.

  4.3. 中度快步 這是一種比伸長快步的步幅更適度的快步,也比伸長快步更 '圓'。馬匹運步清晰,適當伸長,後軀明顯的推進。騎手允許馬頭比在縮短快步和調教快步時稍稍伸向垂直線前方,同時也允許馬的頭和頸部稍稍低伸,步調均勻,全部動作平衡而且不拘束。

 4.4. Extended Trot. The horse covers as much ground as possible. Maintaining the same cadence, the steps are lengthened to the utmost as a result of great impulsion from the hindquarters. The rider allows the horse to lengthen the frame with a controlled poll, and to gain ground. The fore feet should touch the ground on the spot towards which they are pointing. The movement of the fore and hind legs should reach equally forward in the moment of the extension. The whole movement should be well balanced and the transition to collected trot should be smoothly executed by taking more weight on the hindquarters.

  4.4. 伸長快步 馬匹盡力伸長步幅,但保持節奏不變,由於後軀強有力的推進而使步幅最大限度地伸長。騎手允許馬軀體伸展,但維持項部的控制,跨出大步。前蹄應當落到它所指向的那個地點。前後和後肢的動作在伸長的瞬間應當是均等的。整體動作應當平衡良好,在移行到縮短快步時,應當借助較多的體重落在後軀上,流暢地進行。

 4.5. Lengthening of Steps. In the test for four-year-old horses 'lengthening of steps' is required. This is a variation between the working and medium trot in which a horse's training is not developed enough for medium trot.

  4.5. 步幅增長快步 在四歲馬的測驗中有(還有Novice級的測驗也有)要求 '步幅增長快步'。這是在馬匹的訓練還沒準備好做中度快步之前,介於調教快步與中度快步之間的步伐。

5. All trot-work is executed 'sitting', unless otherwise indicated in the test concerned.


5. 除非課目中有特別規定之外,應以壓浪執行各種快步工作。


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-19 13:44:52编辑过]
高山、 草原、 荒漠、 大海、河谷........揚鞭策馬


sandra 该用户已被删除
sandra 发表于 2006-6-20 18:34:00



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褐雨燕 该用户已被删除
褐雨燕 发表于 2006-8-16 17:11:00
重要的帖子。 h4v6sY

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