Article 416: The Submission / The Impulsion
| | 第416條: 服從與前進氣勢
1. Submission does not mean a subordination, but an obedience revealing its presence by a constant attention, willingness and confidence in the whole behaviour of the horse as well as by the harmony, lightness and ease he is displaying in the execution of the different movements. The degree of submission is also manifested by the way the horse accepts the bridle, with a light and soft contact and a supple poll, or with resistance to or evasion of the rider's hand, being either 'above the bit' or 'behind the bit' respectively.
| | 1. 服從不是屈從而是順從。表現在馬匹的一切行為始終全神貫注、自願而且自信,在做各種動作時表現得協調、輕盈、放鬆。 服從的程度體現在馬匹受銜的方式上,看馬對騎手持韁的手,是保持輕柔的接觸,還是反抗和逃避。反抗的表現是 '抗銜',而逃避的表現是 '銜後'。
| 1.1. Putting out the tongue, keeping it above the bit or drawing it up altogether, as well as grinding the teeth and swishing the tail are mostly signs of nervousness, tenseness or resistance on the part of the horse and must be taken into account by the judges in their marks for the movement concerned as well as in the collective mark for 'submission'.
| | | 1.1. 馬伸出舌頭,把舌頭放在口銜上面,或者還有磨牙、甩尾巴,都是馬匹神經質、緊張或反抗的表現。裁判員應當在給有關動作的評分和在綜合評定第三項 '服從' 評分時,考慮上述表現。
| 1.2. Also straightness is an important part of submission. A horse is straight when the hind feet follow in the tracks of the fore feet on straight and curved lines and when the horse shows equal and submissive bend in both directions. The fulfilling of the main requirements/movements of a Dressage test is a main criteria of submission.
| | | 1.2 正直也是服從的重要部分。馬稱為正直,是指在直線上或是曲線時後腳都跟隨著前腳的軌跡,在兩個方向馬體都平均的彎曲。 馬場馬術測驗的動作與要求的主要表現,就是在服從。
2. Impulsion is the term used to describe the transmission of an eager and energetic, yet controlled, propulsive energy generated from the hind quarters into the athletic movement of the horse. Its ultimate expression can be shown only through the horse's soft and swinging back to be guided by a gentle contact with the rider's hand.
| | 3. 前進氣勢這個術語,是用來描述從馬匹後軀產生的推動力,迅速有力又有節制地傳遞到競技動作中去。前進氣勢只有騎手通過手和馬嘴保持柔和的接觸,引導背部柔韌的擺動,最終才能表現出來。
| 2.1. Speed, of itself, has little to do with impulsion; the result is more often a flattening of the paces. A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg, in a continuous rather than staccato action. The hock, as the hind foot leaves the ground, should first move forward rather than being pulled upwards, but certainly not backwards. A prime ingredient of impulsion is the time the horse spends in the air rather than on the ground; in other words, an added expression within the paces, always provided that there is a clear distinction between the collected trot and the Passage. Impulsion is, therefore, seen only in those paces that have a period of suspension.
| | | 2.1. 速度本身和前進氣勢沒有什麼關係,通常只會讓步伐變平直的。其明顯的特點是後肢的蹄音在連續動作時比不連貫動作時更清楚。當後蹄離開地面時,飛節首先是向前運動,而不是向上提,當然更不會向後動。前進氣勢的一項重要成分是馬匹在空中的時間比在地面的時間長,也就是說,給步伐增加的表現力使得縮短快步和正步明顯不同。因此,前進氣勢只有在那些具有騰空期的步伐中才能看到。
| 2.2. Impulsion is a precondition for a good collection in trot and canter. If there is no impulsion, then there is nothing to collect.
| | | 2.2 前進氣勢是快步與跑步時良好收縮的先決條件。如果沒有前進氣勢,就不會有收縮。 資料來源:馬術&馬