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Article 417: The Collection

 第417條: 收縮

The aim of the collection of the horse is:


 a) To further develop and improve the balance and equilibrium of the horse, which has been more or less displaced by the additional weight of the rider.

  a) 多少靠騎手體重影響,進一步發展和改善馬的平衡。

 b) To develop and increase the horse's ability to lower and engage his quarters for the benefit of the lightness and mobility of his forehand.

  b) 發展和改善馬匹降低後軀和後軀深踏的能力,使其前軀輕鬆而機動。

 c) To add to the 'ease and carriage' of the horse and to make him more pleasurable to ride.

  c) 使馬養成輕鬆自如的身體姿態,並樂意供人騎乘。

1. Collection is developed through the use of shoulder-in, travers, renvers and last but not least, half pass (Article 412.) and especially half-halts (Article 408).

 1. 讓馬匹收縮是利用肩內、腰內、腰外以及但不僅於斜橫步 (第412條),更重要的還有半減卻 (第408條)。

2. Collection is improved and achieved by engaging the hind legs, with the joints bent and supple, forward under the horse's body by a temporary but often repeated action of the seat and legs of the rider, driving the horse forward towards a more or less stationary or containing hand, allowing just enough impulsion to pass through. Collection is consequently not achieved by shortening of the pace through a resisting action of the hand, but instead by using the seat and legs to engage the hind legs further under the horse's body.

 2. 要達到或加強收縮,是靠騎手用騎坐和腳短促而反復的動作,驅使馬迎向穩定而又包容的手,允許有足夠的前進氣勢,使馬匹後肢各關節柔韌彎曲,前伸到馬體下面。因此,不是靠控韁使步幅縮短而做到收縮,而是用騎坐和腳的作用,使後肢更向馬體下方深踏而達到收縮。

3. However, the hind legs should not be engaged too far forward under the horse, as this would shorten the base of support too much, and thereby impede the movement. In such a case, the line of the back would be lengthened and raised in relation to the supporting base of the legs, the stability would be impaired and the horse would have difficulty in finding a harmonious and correct balance.

 3. 然而,後肢向前深踏到馬體下面也不能太過分,這樣會使支撐面太小,以致於妨礙運動。這種情況下,背線會拉長升高,導致四肢支撐不穩,馬匹難以做到協調和正確的平衡。

4. On the other hand, a horse with a too long base of support, unable or unwilling to engage his hind legs forward under his body, will never achieve an acceptable collection, characterised by 'ease and carriage' as well as a lively impulsion, originated in the activity of the quarters.

 4. 另一方面,如果一匹馬的支撐面過大,牠就不能或者不願意把後肢向前深踏到身體下面,就絕難做到滿意的收縮,沒有了輕鬆自如的體態,更缺乏活躍的前進氣勢,而這些都來源自馬匹後軀的活力。

5. The position of the head and neck of a horse at the collected paces is naturally dependent on the stage of training and, in some degree, on his conformation. It should, however, be distinguished by the neck being raised unrestrained, forming a harmonious curve from the withers to the poll which is the highest point with the nose slightly in front of the vertical.


5. 馬匹在做縮短步伐時,頭頸的位置因其訓練階段與多少因外形結構不同而不同。但無論如何明顯的可看到,頸部必須自然地抬起,從耆甲到項部形成一條和諧的曲線,項部是最高點,鼻子位於垂直線稍前方。


高山、 草原、 荒漠、 大海、河谷........揚鞭策馬
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