
khyuan 发表于 2006-8-22 00:26:00 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 0 2704


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Article 418: The Position and Aids of the Rider

 第418條: 騎手的姿勢與扶助

1. All the movements should be obtained with invisible aids and without apparent effort of the rider. The rider should be well balanced, elastic, sitting deep in the centre of the saddle and smoothly joining the rhythm of the horse with his loins and hips supple, thighs and legs steady and well stretched downwards. The heels should be the lowest point. The upper part of the body should be easy, free and erect on the vertical. The hands should be carried steady and low and close together, with the thumb as the highest point and independent from the seat. The elbows and arms should be close to the body, enabling the rider to follow the movements of the horse smoothly and freely.

 1. 讓馬匹做任何動作時,騎手都應該用看不見的扶助,從外表都應當看不明顯的動作。騎手應當充分平衡,有彈性,深坐在馬鞍的中央,流暢的與馬的韻律結合,腰臀柔軟,大腿和小腿穩定,充分下伸。腳跟應該是全身的最低點。上半身應該要輕鬆、自由而且挺直。雙手應該要穩定、放低、靠近,拇指是最高點,獨立於騎坐之外。肘和臂應該要靠近身體,以便騎手能輕鬆自如地跟隨馬的運動。

2. The effectiveness of the rider's aids determines the precise fulfilment of the required movements of the tests.
There shall always be the impression of a harmonious cooperation between horse and rider.

 2. 騎手扶助的效率,決定執行測驗中的動作的精準度。

3. Riding with both hands is obligatory in the test at all International Dressage Events.
However, in Freestyle Tests riding with reins in one hand up to four movements is allowed (see Guidelines for Judges). When leaving the arena at a walk on a long rein, after having finished his performance, the rider may, at his own discretion, ride with only one hand.

 3. 在國際馬協的所有馬場馬術比賽的測驗中都必須雙手持韁。

4. The use of the voice in anyway whatsoever, or clicking the tongue once or repeatedly, is a serious fault, involving the deduction of at least 2 marks from those that would otherwise have been awarded for the movement where this occurred.


4. 任何情況下,使用聲音,一次或多次反復使用鼓舌,都是嚴重過失,應當在出現這種過失那項動作的評分中至少扣除2分。


高山、 草原、 荒漠、 大海、河谷........揚鞭策馬
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